Monday 25 May 2009

Why I haven't blogged before

I'm just testing the waters here with this inaugural blog post. I haven't read many blogs and often wandered why people do it. What do people really gain from making their own private thoughts public? I can think of 3 main reasons:

1. A cathartic need to express themselves freely in an uncensored and possibly anonymous way to validate their own thoughts and provoke discussion.
2. As a means to document their daily lives for future reference.
3. To make money.

The main reason I have never created a blog post before is mainly down to questioning whether I have anything of value to say publicly and if I did whether I would sound like a massive tit saying it - perhaps like I am sounding now. It's kinda like listening to the sound of your own voice being played back on a tape recorder. And the more dated the recording is the more cringe worthy it sounds to me. I must have sounded like a vein egocentric prick when I was 2.

This impending cringe worthiness is what I fear. My blog will exist in the web sphere permanently and as time goes on I will think to myself "You massive tit". And the older the blog post is the bigger the tit I become. I expect in 20 years I would have ballooned into a giant football stadium sized tit.

I guess self criticism is a natural thing and you just have to say yourself "Fuck it" sometimes. It's not healthy to limit and preserve yourself according to your own perceived image. We should be free to imagine ourselves to be whoever we want to be and during those mutated attempts at establishing our own identity one would've evolved at the end which may or may not look like a giant football stadium tit thing.